Finally, this post came out as promised in my last post.
Things started to get fishy a few months back when I started to sneeze
violently straight after I woke up everyday. I was wondering, did I make any rivals that speak bad things about me? I had insomnia from this matter (well not really, it's SPM when it started, i guess).
Until that time approaching New Year, I saw this...
Bloody hell just look at that! I failed to expect the expected, it's my standing fan that I used everyday but never paid attention to it. So that's the reason to why I'm sneezing a lot. My dad even said that the fan has not been cleaned for 1 year! LOL
And so I decided to clean this fan at New Year's day. It was a hard + hard task. Considering my condition for not sleeping for the whole night, my hand was trembling badly during the whole process...and not to leave out that the fan isn't really that "cleaner-friendly".
To start it off, I had to unscrew 4 screws to remove the back cover of the fan, and it didn't look beautiful either. Anyway, cleaning that part was fairly easy.
One wipe across it...
and this was how the wiping cloth looked like!
Next I had to unscrew another 3 screws to remove the core of the fan which obviously is the spinning part that creates air flow to blow my @$$ when I am sleeping. It was covered with dust, which explains why device efficiency has lowered (in other words, smaller air flow with more sound produced). Fortunately I just need to clean it with water hose.
Here comes the hardest part, the front cover.
I call it The Tower of Dusts
There are many obvious obstacles you can see from the pictures, and the spaces are not as shallow as the ones found at the back cover. I have used 1 hour+ just to wipe off those dusts that are easily wiped by the cloth, and another half hour for thorough cleaning...test of mental and physical fitness...more like a torture.
Nevertheless, I still managed to finish the task despite my bad condition. And the result:
Increased efficiency (larger air flow, lesser sound produced). Most importantly, I have started not to sneeze that much after I have cleaned that fan =D. Hooray!
Off-topic: I have turned 18 officially yesterday. Have to say I received a lot of greetings compared to my past birthdays, 3 from MSN, 3 from Friendster (strangers zz), another 3 by SMS (which included my good friend suffering in NS, and a female friend actually typed a birthday song in her SMS, you are the only one to give me a birthday song *touched*). Thanks to all of you.
All of you might think, "wtf you call 9 greetings a lot??", yeah it's true, the greetings I received in my past birthdays never exceed 5. To add up, my family didn't even remember my birthday since last year. Pathetic eh you say?
Anyway, I have made one and only one birthday wish, and I'm telling it out. Why you ask, because this is actually the wish of everyone who cares for their future! You dare to say "getting 11A1 in SPM" is not what you have wanted for your whole life??!!
Haha, ok la. Until then, ciaoz.