A-Level = AS-Level exam + A2-Level examI was told that both exams are independent to each other (i.e. AS = AS and A2 = A2, and hence AS-Level = AS topics and A2-Level = A2 topics). But the truth is that A2-Level actually still requires us to remember the AS topics (i.e. A2-Level = AS and A2 topics). Assuming a quarter of the AS topics are interrelated with A2 topics,
A-Level = AS topics + (1/4 AS topics + A2 topics)
= 5/4 AS topics + A2 topics
Students have to study more on AS topics as normal humans tend to forget things. And then the error (careless mistakes by students, marking mistakes by examiners, errors in machines scanning OMR sheets, LUCK, etc) is given by:
Comparing equations (1) and (2), Δ A-Level > Δ Form 6.Δ A-Level = 5/4(Δ AS topics) + Δ A2 topics, Δ A-Level > 0 (1)On the other hand, it is known that Form 6 students will take only STPM. Hence,
Form 6 = STPM, and similarlyAssuming both courses are of similar course structures, STPM = AS + A2.
Δ Form 6 = Δ STPM
Form 6 = AS topics + A2 topics, and
Δ Form 6 = Δ AS topics + Δ A2 topics, Δ Form 6 > 0 (2)
Taking all fees that are involved into account, P for A-Level >> P for Form 6. I (my dad) am paying more to study A-Level which has higher uncertainty than STPM.
Conclusion: I dah kena con :(
(You may not take this seriously as I just simply bullshitted everything)