
Jul 29, 2009

An epic (win/fail?) day should I start first? Ok. My life's easier after I started driving to ICSJ since 3 weeks ago. By that I meant that it successfully saved my travelling time by almost half of taking KTM. Yeah, I have more time to spend on my compu...I mean studies.

Everything went fine until today. It was a raining morning today, so it's expected for traffic jams will occur everywhere especially Jalan Kewajipan. And some serious shit happened to my car when I was on that congested road. Well, actually I don't know what the heck caused this thing to happen this suddenly? I was driving fine for the whole journey until I felt that the engine is jerky and found out that it was overheating fast.

That's just so great. I'm at the middle of a congested road. I can't stop my engine there, neither can I drive the car aside. The temperature meter hit the red danger zone and smoke started to gush out of the bonnet of the car. The white smoke got thicker and thicker, then the engine was K.I.A. straight. OMGness. Luckily there were also 2 people that had their car broken down before me stopped at the side and they helped me to push my car aside. At least I didn't feel alone that time. And then they identified that there's leakage on my car's radiator. Zz. They have my gratitudes. Now I know radiator coolant liquids are green in colour.

The question still haunts me. Why it got overheated so suddenly??! Karma?? Tell you the truth, I was listening to the radio reporting the "road updates"(sorry, can't recall the actual term, or it is?). When I heard that a car caught a fire, I lol-ed. "It must be some smokers driving and something went terribly wrong," I thought. Just now, I was at the verge of getting my car to catch a fire. Karma eh? Believe it or not?

Anyway, it was the Scholarship Presentation Ceremony today so I had to wear formally to college. Yeah, long sleeves, even after I flipped it up, it's still terribly hot. I'm not exaggerating. It's a congested road = many cars = waste gases + heat. The rain didn't feel cool. Plus I had to stay in my car until 10am, with a door open of course, then the Sun rises high enough to shine directly at me. Damn, I was supposed to be happy attending the ceremony, but then everything was spoiled.

Then the mechanics finally arrived at 10am. The radiator really got owned and to prevent further damage to the engine my car had to be towed. So one of the mechanics sent me to ICSJ. Luckily my class starts at 10am today so I was just late for a few ten minutes.

This stupid incident made my dad had to take a half-day leave to be with the car, and of course, to bring me to the workshop. Everything seems fine now, but suffering from that mortal wound, the 13-year-old engine performed much less powerful now. Anyways, my semester final exam will be starting next Saturday(wtf?). I hope this kind of shit thing won't happen for that time being.

The only regret I had was not taking photos of my broken Wira. The scene where the thick smoke gush out from the bonnet was just simply epic, rare as well. Haiz, no change la, too nervous already. And I sure will be scolded by others if they see that I still have mood doing this when my car's blocking the traffic. Anyway, it's good to have a photo like that as memory, even if it taste bitter. @@


KKW said...

Wow...that's just epic! Your car overheated when it was raining when it was supposed to be cold.
That is what would happen if the car is not maintained properly, prevention is better than cure.

You are right, it would be an epic photo if you had taken the pic of your car with smoke gushing out of the bonnet.


Vincent said...

Raining =/= cold. With so many heat trapped in the atmosphere the rain just absorb more heat and bring it down.

And I know you are good in maintaining your car, But my parents work differently.

When I got the money, I'll just overhaul it and make it a beast in disguise.

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