
Feb 16, 2009

Believe it or not??

Two days have passed since Valentine's Day, have you received your desired Valentine's Day gift? Sure you did, I know you're not someone like me, who never held a girl's hand until now, failure.

Even if you didn't receive any gift, I'm sure you had an enjoyable day, right? But not for me. Besides spending the day lonely, I had to face a "chaotic" family environment. The word 'chaotic" is exaggerating here, but that's it. I was wondering why a seemingly peaceful day can turn out that disastrous.

Everything was fine until when my family went out to have a treat at around 8pm. My dad decided to have steak as our Valentine's Day dinner at Cowboy. As expected, this kind of restaurant will be crowded with customers at this time, at this kind of occasions. My mom blamed my dad and started to grumble.

Out of no choice, we must find another restaurant(duhz) before matters got worse. It was half hour gone when we went to a seemingly newly opened restaurant. We can finally have our meal at around 8.45pm. My mom's face changed rapidly. Our ears can finally rest.

Today, I suddenly had an urge to look at the calendar, and I found that Feb 12th is the day where people with Tiger zodiac will have conflicts with those who are Monkey. Just look at the illustration and read the words in Chinese for better understanding ;p

Besides, look at that 今日时辰吉凶 section, the 时辰 with 凶 includes 子,申&戌. From my searching, 戌 starts from 7pm until 9pm in our standard timing we use.

So, what do you think? That's such a coincidence for that day to turn out like that. My mom(tiger) quarreled with my dad(monkey) at 8pm(戌). Omg, everything is destined.

Now do you believe this kind of thing or not??

Moral of the story: Look at your calendar everyday especially the details to prevent unhappy matters that could ruin your day from happening. Seriously. It's true somehow.

Vincent out.

1 comment:

育中 said...

Is hard to believe it. I can't deny Feng Shui is a totally a freak to believe.

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